Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity
Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity

retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity
  1. Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity update#
  2. Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity pro#

  • Any messages/events/contacts/tasks/notes copied from an Exchange or IMAP account to folders under "On My Computer".
  • Microsoft expects those to download from the server. Keep in mind that the import process does not import Exchange account or IMAP account messages/events/contacts/tasks/notes.

    Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity pro#

    In my limited testing on my 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro with 8 GB RAM and a 5400 RPM drive I am importing a 2.5 GB database in about 18 minutes.

    retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity

    Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity update#

    So long as the script reads that the Database Daemon is consuming more than 5% CPU for an extended period of time then it continues to update its progress. Generally, it will use less than 5% of CPU at any given time.

    retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity

    This is the application actually doing the import. Setting this to a lower number (more frequent) will have a noticeable impact on import time.ĭuring the import the script is looking at the CPU usage by the "Microsoft Database Daemon". I update the dialog every 20 seconds but that's a new configurable option in the properties list at the top of the script. Because AppleScript doesn't support things like progress bars or dynamic dialog boxes I have to use a rudimentary "dialog" window to show progress. When the user chooses an Entourage identity the script begins the import process. (I opted not to enable importing multiple identities because doing so could possibly create multiple accounts with the same settings.) I've included the modifications dates to indicate the most recent version vs. If he selects "Upgrade" the script it will create a list of the existing Entourage database identities (ignoring backup folders created when repairing the database) and prompt him to select one. If he selects "New" then it proceeds as before with configuring a new Exchange account. If it finds any Entourage identities it will prompt the user to "Upgrade" or create a "New" email database. If it doesn't find any old databases then it proceeds as before with configuring a new Exchange account. ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/ ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/ When the script runs it will check for the existence of: The old instructions for deploying the script remain the same. The actual script you'll want to download is "OutlookExchangeSetup4.5.scpt". The "README" includes a handful of notes about what's changed. For now, I'm placing it on GitHub for download until I can get it better tested and documented. I've got a new version of the Exchange setup script for Outlook that supports importing from Entourage 2008 or 2004.

    Retrieve contacts from outlook 2011 for mac indentity